98 Postures Guide (e-book)
Wondering what all the fuss is about with the yoga world’s newest prop? Whether you are trying to figure out if the wheel is useful or if you want to know what more can be done besides rolling around on it, with the Shakti Yoga Wheel - 98 Posture Guide (e-book) you will discover how this prop can provide support, strength, and even challenge in your practice.
The Shakti Yoga Wheel - 98 Posture Guide
Provides a unique sequences with in-depth descriptions for:
- Warm Up & Standing Flow Sequence
- Standing Poses & Hip Openers Part 1 and 2
- Core Strength & Armbalances
- Backbends
- Inversions
- Side Bends, Twists & a Restorative Sequence
Regular exercise can help you control your weight and strengthen your bones and muscles. But if it's been awhile since you've exercised and you have health issues or concerns, it's a good idea to talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise routine. Make sure, that you body get`s a warm up before you start using the Shakti Yoga Wheel. The Shakti Yoga Wheel - 98 Posture Guide is only available as a download.

Black Yoga Wheel Imprint
$ 29.00

Pink Yoga Wheel Imprint
$ 29.00

Purple Pink Yoga Wheel Imprint
$ 29.00

Purple Yoga Wheel with Imprint
$ 29.00